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We have a wide range expertise through our associates and can offer the services and support you need – from horticultural expertise on planting and landscaping design to creating beautiful, sustainable habitats for plants, creatures and people

We can:

· Help you to turn your vision in a practical reality

· Work with your people to develop and refine a design and find out about intended use, budget and other possibilities and restraints

· Help find solutions to constraints – including liaising with public authorities and supporting fundraising

· Support project management, including budgeting, tendering, and managing contractors and suppliers.

· Develop a stewardship and ongoing maintenance plan according to your requirements and to ensure sustainability.

We are nature-led and embed strong community engagement in our design process. With this in mind, we strive to cater for all theinhabitants of our space, from the smallest insects and plants to the mammals, birds and people, taking every opportunity to mitigate the biodiversity crisis.
We look to the landscape for clues to build and create sustainably, using local materials, people, and low carbon methods to deliver beautiful immersive spaces that give back to nature.