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Growing Communities

We are passionate about supporting people to connect to Nature and take ownership of urban greenspaces. Our aim is to support people to develop the skills and resources to make the places around where the live and work, greener, healthier and happier. We understand that some people have fewer opportunities and resources or face significant barriers and we want to prioritize projects and communities where our clients are wanting to address social or environmental justice

We can:

· Work with your community or team, to develop a vision for new spaces or for the restoration and development tired or unused outdoor spaces

· Work with you to create a plan, consult with your community, engage volunteers in the physical development of the space alongside contractors as needed.

· Support and advise on funding, governance and relationships with authorities or landlords

Our experience is that engaging people with the spaces around where they live and work creates a sense of ownership and care, respect for Nature and better design and use of outdoor space.
We have worked with community gardens, parks, schools – with artists and educators and park keepers to find new and sustainable ways to create safer, more beautiful places in which people can meet, play and learn together.